viernes, 12 de septiembre de 2014

Genre Tropical


The merengue is a musical genre originated in the Dominican Republic the early nineteenth century.
It is very popular in Latin America, where it is considered, along with the salsa, as one the great genres dance music, that distinguish the gentilicios Latin America. 

In their origins, the Dominican merengue was interpreted with instruments of string (mandolin and / or guitar). Years later, the instruments of rope were replaced by the accordion, conforming well, together with the güira and the tambora.

Then came other instruments; Accordion, electric bass, piano, saxophone, trumpet, conga, trombone and tuba. The evolution of merengue, served for liven a the rumbas and parties.

Some of the artists more Highlights of the genre:  Juan Luis Guerra, Toño Rosario, Fernando Villalona, Wilfrido Vargas, Johnny Ventura, Sergio Vargas, the Brothers Rosario, Milly Quezada, the Melodic, ensemble Quisqueya, Victor Roque and The Big Apple, Group, Mania, Dionis Fernandez and The Team, The Sapphire, Bonny Cepeda, Kinito Méndez, Eddy Herrera, Freddy Kenton, Hector Acosta, José Peña Suazo, and the Banda fat, Rubby Perez Rikarena, Jochy Hernández, Jossie Esteban and the Patrol 15, the girls the Can, Danny Marin, and cocou (traditional dance). In the 90s, the merengue hip-hop had as main protagonists a the following:  "Illegal", "Sandy y Papo", "One Voice", groups "without borders" , "Banda the Bocana" , between other groups.

9 comentarios:

  1. music gladdens the soul and meregue is one of the best

  2. I love merengue, very good to know where it comes

  3. friend, this is the rate that we go to practice in eight days.
    jajaja you do not forget go with the delights of your land.
    att: Laura Coronel

  4. The meringue I like, reminds me of Barranquilla and carnivals .....
